Updates to be posted here on facebook event.

Title of your exhibition:
What can people expect from your exhibition at 142?
Aswell as over 50 of the most explicit trading cards you’ve ever laid your eyes on, I will be aiming to make the show as interactive as possible with a few opportunities for photos, and plenty of other artwork to hang in your downstairs loo.
Why this theme?
Well growing up a bored child, I always filled my time creating and drawing, absorbing 90s tv and games, or stroking dogs and collecting sticks in the woods. I have fond memories of sitting on a blue carpet, that hasn’t aged well, in my parents living room where I drew Pokèmon from a paused video I had recorded. Trying to rekindle the beautiful memories of my childhood, I decided to create my own versions with an added level of adult humour that comes with my personal work. I don’t know all the answers, but I think people's fear of genitals and the things that come with owning them shouldn’t be such a negative stigma. Also, I refuse to grow up.
In one short sentence explain your exhibition: I promise this will be the rudest set of trading cards you’ve ever seen. Describe your art in 1 word:
Add to your calendars now, and remember 'you gotta catch em all'
Planned opening times:
Thursday 9th Mar
Opening night 6-9
Friday 10th Mar — Tuesday 14th Mar
Wednesday 15th Mar
Enquiries: hamiltonroad142@gmail.com
Marketing: Onefourtwomarketing@gmail.com
Address: 142 Hamilton Road, IP11 7DS, Felixstowe, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom